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ExTiX Deepin 25.1 Live based on Deepin 25 Preview (latest) with Refracta Snapshot and kernel 6.12.9-amd64-exton :: Build 250119

NEWS 250119 ABOUT ExTiX with Deepin 25 Preview (released 250116) I’ve released a new version of ExTiX Deepin today (250119). The previous ExTiX Deepin version with Deepin 23 STABLE is from 240816. This ExTiX Build is based on Deepin 25 Preview (latest version) released by Deepin Technology on January 16, 2025. Please read the Release Notes. ExTiX 25.1 uses kernel 6.12.9-amd64-exton. ExTiX 25.1 works in the same way as all other ExTiX versions. I.e. you can install it to hard […]

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ExTiX 17.4 – “The Ultimate Linux System” – with LXQt 0.11.1, Nvidia 381.09 and kernel 4.10.0-19-exton – Build 170418

I have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 17.4 LXQt Live DVD. (The previous version was 17.2 from 170320). ABOUT ExTiX 17.4 LXQt DVD 64 bit is based on Debian 8.7 Jessie/Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus, released 170412. The original system includes the Desktop Environment Unity (Ubuntu). After removing Unity I have installed LXQt 0.11.1. LXQt is the Qt port and the upcoming version of LXDE, the Lightweight […]

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ExTiX 17.0, Build 161221, with KDE 4.16 together with KDE Frameworks 5.26.0, Refracta Tools and kernel 4.9 (latest)

I have made a new version of ExTiX – The Ultimate Linux System. I call it ExTiX 17.0 KDE Live DVD. (The previous version was 16.4 from 160731). The best thing with ExTiX 17.0 is that while running the system live (from DVD/USB) or from hard drive you can use Refracta Tools (pre-installed) to create your own live installable Ubuntu system. ABOUT ExTiX 17.0 KDE DVD 64 bit is based on Debian 8.6 Jessie/Debian 9 Stretch and Ubuntu 16.10. The […]

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ExTiX Build 161203 for Intel Compute Sticks with LXQt 0.10.0 and kernel 4.8.0-26-exton-IntelAtom

News 181020 Today I was about to make a new version of my ExTiX Build from 161203. I quickly learned that it isn’t necessary. It turns out that full support for the Intel Compute Stick is included in all kernels from version 4.11 until today’s releases (4.18). Kernel 4.8.0-26-exton-IntelAtom (which was used in my build from 161203) was patched – see below. Without patches it wouldn’t have worked. Today any Linux system can run on the stick. At least all […]

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